Free Download Ford Racing 3 RIP Full Version Games
Ford Cars
The car manufacturer Henry Ford as the founder was born on July 30, 1863 which came from poor peasant families. The absence Henry could only make the cost of education primary school classmates only. After completing his primary school education he agrees to help his father on his family farm.
Beginning of the outbreak of the Ford Motor
In mid 1875, Henry in his father invited a horse carriage ride to the direction of Detroit. When Henry was 12 years old, he mlihat something strange on the highway. There is a train that can run itself without the drag by a horse. "Then the train that runs itself is suddenly stopped, and let us who are above the carriage to pass first," Henry said in his biography. Henry's father who sees his son was amazed and then stop the train in horse riding by them from the beginning is where Ford saw Cars. Now both of them down and get acquainted with people who have a train that can run itself was.
Ford Cars
Finally, it eliminates the incidence of Henry's interest and attention to agriculture. His mind was filled by a train that can run itself. Henry, who before her wrestling with soil and seeds plant seeds begin to divert his attention on metal objects. After helping his father treat his family farm, Henry spent all his spare time in the barn, family-owned farm has been in his magic into a small workshop.
Ford Cars
His interest in on a machine to make Henry decided to intern at the Drydock Engine Works. Decisions made Henry's time to make his father Henry's wrath. But fortunately his father Henry's anger did not last long, after hearing how the rapid progress of Henry in the Drydock Engine Works. In the history of the Drydock Engine Works, of their apprenticeship training takes approximately 3 years to become an engineer. But Henry only takes less than a year training to become a true expert reliable machine.
Ford Cars
After he completed his internship at the Drydock Engine Works his dream goal to make a machine capable of moving vehicles to transport goods and people are getting big. But unfortunately Henry's dream goal in a cold welcome by his fellow colleagues. According to them, Henry ideal goal is an impossible thing at the time. But Henry did not immediately despair.
Not long after he completed his internship at the Drydock Engine Works, Henry earn a bid to work as an engineer at Detroit Edison Company. In his new place of Henry then began to realize the limitations of his knowledge was limited to an internship at the Drydock Engine Works. Its ideal goal would not be in the manifest if he does not deepen his knowledge that has been obtained. Because it was Henry diligently to increase knowledge about the machine by reading scientific magazines published at the time. Not only that, after he finished work at Detroit Edison Company Henry also conduct research and experiments in a small workshop located in the back of his rented house.
Ford's First Car Engine
According to one edition of scientific magazine that has been in his reading Henry's view on the creation of a new machine called the bibs, the gas engine is smooth, which in the history of automotive classified as a precursor to cars that exist today. In the magazine also wrote that one day the gas lighting equipment at the time it will not be in use again as a propulsion engine, but will be replaced by the evaporation of fuel oil.
Ford Cars
The discussion in the magazine finally got opposition from the engine experts at that time. According to them, it is an impossible thing if the gas was replaced by steam from petroleum to move the car. But for Henry it is not impossible when petroleum vapors can be used to drive the car engine. Ford has a principle of life that does not know the despair, and keep doing the experiment for the sake of experiment and failure after failure in his family's farm shop.
"From year to year her experiments always fail. But because its principle of life that really do not know the despair, failure is no longer a scary thing. Instead of failure that makes him more motivated to persevere and his spirit more thoroughly, "" according to Henry ".
Ford Cars
In 1892, or exactly 17 years after her Henry first saw the train that can run itself without being pulled by horses, Henry made an uproar Detroit residents. He came out of his garage iron horse riding his machine in motion by the petroleum vapor this is Ford's first car in the world to use steam engine with oil.
Something that according to the expert engineers at that time is something that is impossible, successfully embodied by Henry becomes a reality. Henry was the one who managed to make the first car in the human civilization, which move by a steam engine on petroleum.
In the eyes of the owner of the Detroit Edison Company vehicles Henry's creation was very special, so Henry immediately offered a high position, earning a double course.
But his affection, Henry instead chose to resign from the Detroit Edison Company, on the grounds that if the position at the time received and possessed all his power will be taken up at the company, so he does not have any free time anymore to continue the research and experiments in private garage.
Ford First Mass Production
After Henry resigned from the Detroit Edison Company, Henry managed to invite a few businesspeople to work together to establish the Detroit Auto Car Company. In his new company he is in the lift as chief engineer.
But his affection, a lot of mismatch between Henry and the owners of capital. Henry asked for the funds provided for research and development of his or her machine, but this has not been approved. Capital owners want only the creation of Henry Ford produced the first course. The result, the Detroit Automobile sales within a year no more than 5 and 6 units of the car.
After three years on, in mid-March 1902, Henry finally decided to resign from the Detroit Automobile. With a very minimal capital, from the remnants of his income in the Detroit Automobile, eventually founded the reckless Henry Ford Motor Company.
Ford's First Car Race
To introduce to the public at large Ford Henry Ford designed the two units of the two cars race cars for Ford's Ford named "999? and "Arrow". When the racing season in 1903, both cars in Henry Ford's creation want to include and straight out as opposed to his opponent the winner by leaving more than half a mile behind.
With a resounding victory, the publicity Ford products soared to the top. Ford Motor Company began creeping up. In 1905, Ford sold the production to 1700 units.
Ford Model T
Does not stop there, Henry continues to improve its production quality, among others, by creating a Model T Ford car which was very famous at that time. Henry also tried to improve the performance of his factory. Ford was the first car manufacturer to use the system in sequence assembly of cars and mechanical department.
Expanded its Ford Car Factory
The end of his Ford car factory continuously expanded to various countries. In 1947, when Henry Ford died at the age of 84 years, Ford factories worldwide have been able to produce as many as 4000 units per day. In 1960, Ford Motor Company is the second largest company in the world. Until now, Ford is still used in many countries, until sekrang, Ford still includes the world's largest automotive company. already there are hundreds of thousands of Ford cars marketed in the world.
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